Tour of the Heartlands 2024

We’ve moved! Now on an entirely new route east of the Shannon that brings something a little different with lots of rural lanes leading to some serious pre-food stop climbing for those keen to take on the full 106k challenge; a less demanding long route of 90k that shares the same food stop in Clonaslee for those happy for a little less effort, and a charming spin along the Grand Canal’s new cycleway and home for 55k and a coffee and bite for anyone who fancies it.  A Cycling Ireland license is a requirement to participate. Day Licences for non-members are an additional €20.



The full 106k with ascents of two of the classic Slieve Bloom climbs in Lackaroe and The Cut. Food stop and regroup at Clonaslee before final 50k of lanes and byways back to Castledaly. €25.00. Click on above image for ridewithgps file


As above but with the gentler option of turning for Clonaslee and the relief of a food stop without taking on the heights. €25.00. Click on above image for ridewithgps file

A shorter ride that shares the first 15k of the above routes before turning east along the Grand Canal’s new cycleway to Rahan. Here it rejoins the returning longer routes for a total of 55k. Food for this event will be at the end of the ride. Cost €15. Click on above image for ridewithgps file